Petrol News

Petrol News and Facts


  • A DIY Guide to Checking Car Battery Health

    A DIY Guide to Checking Car Battery Health

    Checking Car Battery Health Yourself Your car battery is one of the most important components of your vehicle. It means that checking Car Battery Health is an important routine operation. The battery provides the power to start the engine, run the electrical accessories, and keep the car running smoothly. However, over time, your battery may… Continue reading

  • What is the difference between petrol and diesel and how does it affect your car?

    What is the difference between petrol and diesel and how does it affect your car?

    What is the difference between Petrol and diesel? These fuels are two common types of fuels used to power cars and vehicles. But how does it affect your car’s performance, efficiency, and emissions? Here is a guide to help you understand the difference between petrol and diesel and how to choose the best one for… Continue reading

  • Factors affecting fuel prices

    Factors affecting fuel prices

    Why is fuel cheaper in Australia than NZ? Fuel prices are a common concern for many drivers, especially when they vary significantly across different regions. So, what are the factors affecting fuel prices? In this blog post, we will explore why fuel is cheaper in Australia than in New Zealand, and what factors influence the… Continue reading

  • Different types of petrol

    Different types of petrol

    What are the different types of petrol and how to choose the best one for your car? Petrol is a hydrocarbon-based fuel used to power most cars and vehicles. But how do different types of petrol actually differ? There are different types of petrol available in the market, each with different characteristics and benefits. Choosing… Continue reading

  • Hello world!

    Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing! Single Enrich our growing community. Family Support special exhibitions. Patron Take support to the next level. ECOSYSTEM Positive growth. Nature, in the common sense, refers to essences unchanged by man; space, the air, the river, the leaf. Art is applied to the… Continue reading